Mike Trabulsie is a world class “performance art drummer”! Mike’s dynamic, high level artistry driven, and when appropriate… explosive drumming performances can be found on his YouTube channel and display the depth of Mike’s drumming artistry. Mike also plays piano, is an accomplished songwriter and music producer, and is the complete musical package! Please visit Mike’s Youtube channel to experience Mike’s exciting and dynamic drumming performances as well as his songwriting and music production skills.
Only recently has Mike set out to share his musical artistry with the world. Mike is a Berklee College of Music Alumni and is among the premier drum educators in the world! Mikes’ command over the elements of performance art drumming, drum education, teaching, and the deep elements of drumming knowledge are on full display in the video lessons at Mike Trabulsie’s Institute for the Artistry of Drumming. Mike has begun to lay out the most comprehensive drum course available anywhere in the world!
Mike has reached the pinnacle of drumming artistry and is teaching other drummers how to do the same! Mike is delighted you are here, and hopes you join the family of drummers at Mike Trabulsie’s Institute for the Artistry of Drumming.